What is Angel Sanctuary?

“Angel Sanctuary” is a manga series created by Japanese writer Kaori Yuki, with its initial release in Japan. The series was serialized in the magazine “Hana to Yume” from 1994 to 2000. The narrative revolves around Setsuna Mudo, a 16-year-old human teenager who also happens to be a high school student. Setsuna harbors deep affection for his sister, Sara. In this intriguing storyline, an Angel named Alexiel, who had rebelled against Heaven, is captured, imprisoned, and subjected to punishment by having her body frozen.


“Angel Sanctuary” drew its inspiration from a Japanese fantasy novel called “Nocturne.” Initially, the manga was planned to consist of only ten chapters, which raised concerns about how to conclude the story effectively. The popularity of the series led to its adaptation into dramas and CDs, featuring a multitude of fantastic episodes.


The artist behind the “Angel Sanctuary” series had the core concept for the story in her mind for an extended period of time. It was after reading “Nocturne” that she found inspiration to delve into a theme involving angels and demons. However, her challenge was convincing others to allow her to begin another serial, especially as she was already occupied with the ongoing and acclaimed series “Earl Cain.”

Main Theme

The central theme of the story in “Angel Sanctuary” revolves around “forbidden love.” The series delves into complex and interrelated themes, including the notions of good and evil, human nature, unconditional love, and the interpersonal battles fought for the acceptance of love.

Angel Sanctuary Sword – Setsuna Modu

In the manga series “Angel Sanctuary,” a remarkable sword known as the Angel Sanctuary Sword takes center stage. This seven-bladed sword was originally crafted from crystals and is wielded by Setsuna Modu, a troubled high school boy.

Description: The Angel Sanctuary Replica Sword is prominently featured in the manga series, where it is brandished by Setsuna Modu. The sword boasts seven side blades surrounding a central, elongated blade that points downward. It was initially constructed using diamonds and crystals.

Unique and Bizarre Style: The sword’s fame is attributed to its distinctive and unconventional style, marking it as the first of its kind in the series. Its considerable length and razor-sharp edges are the primary reasons for the fear it instills in the enemy during battles.

Why the Angel Sanctuary Sword is better than others?

The Angel Sanctuary sword outshines other swords for several reasons. Unlike conventional swords with a single blade and a pointed end, the Sanctuary Sword features seven sharp blades and a sturdy handle. This unique design gives it a significant advantage in battle, allowing it to inflict more harm upon the enemy than many other swords.


The significance of this replica Angel Sanctuary Sword is evident through its immense popularity among fans. Its distinct and unique style has garnered a strong following. When the story is presented in the form of a novel accompanied by animated illustrations, it garners even greater appreciation from enthusiasts. Worldwide, there are numerous individuals who maintain extensive sword collections, with the Sanctuary sword often occupying a top position in their treasured collections.